Monday, December 26, 2011

Family Christmas {Personal}

Uploading my personal portraits to my professional blog is sort of making me feel out of place, but at the same time, I kept a personal "family blog" for over 6 years now (Tales from the Crib) and as my business has grown my personal blog has suffered. Once upon a time I shared our family portraits, stories and goings-on with family and friends through that blog.  And the more I have worked, the less I have been able to keep that personal space updated.  Tonight I decided to forgo the personal blog and add my personal blog post to my professional page.  Such a large part of my business is being able to relate to families, children and newborns, and being a mama to my own two sweet, rowdy boys helps me in that area a great deal!

Our family spent Christmas here in Colorado.  My own mama was supposed to come visit us for the holidays but sadly the blizzard we got just a few days back shut down the highway she would take to get here, so she spent the holiday with my sister and we spent the holiday as a family of 4.  The boys were over the moon excited for Santa's big visit (I'm wondering how many years of that I have left, especially from my quizzical 7 year old who can't quite sort out how Santa can hit up ALL those houses in such a short amount of time).  We opened gifts and enjoyed a big, fat meal with our dearest friends (I was too busy cooking Prime Rib and 'taters to capture any pictures of the meal or our time spent with them).  It was quiet and fun and peaceful and perfect.  Exactly, in my opinion, what the holiday is all about.

Checking his list and letter to Santa

Yep, I love them, big time.
 Letters and cookies for Santa.  If you can't read Holden's it says:
"I hope you had a great trip, December is my favorite holiday, from Holden" 

My present - caffeine at the push of a button!

The aftermath...


Seasonal Activities said...

Lovely pictures and nice photography.

Lisa Weik said...

Looks like something out of a catalogue! If I didn't know better, I'd think you hired those adorable boys and had your house decorated. But, that's how your house always looks!! You made Christmas beautiful,warm,yummy and memorable for all of us!